A training needs assessment, or training needs analysis, is the systematic method of determining if a training need exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap between the standard and the actual performance of the employee.
Therefore, training needs analysis is:
- Systematic method of determining performance discrepancies
- Causes of performance discrepancies
- Reasons to conduct training needs analysis
- Identify the deficiencies
- Determine whether employees lack KSAs
- Benchmark for evaluation of training
- Makes sure training is provided to the right people
- Increases the motivation of training
Training needs = Job and organizational requirements – Employee Specifications
Training needs can be identified through identifying the organizational needs based on:
Organizational Analysis:
This includes analysis of objectives, resource utilization, environments canning and organizational climate. Organizational strengths and weakness in different areas like accidents, excessive scrap, frequent breakage of machinery, excessive labour turnover, market share, and other marketing areas, quality and quantity of the output, production schedule, raw materials and other production areas, personnel, finance, etc
Department Analysis:
Department strength and weakness including special problems of the department or a common problem of a group of employees like acquiring skills and knowledge in operating computer by accounting personnel.
Job Role Analysis:
This includes study of jobs/roles, design of jobs due to changes, job enlargement and job enrichment etc.
Manpower Analysis:
Individual strengths and weakness in the areas of job knowledge, skills etc.
December 30, 2017