What is Self
Self can be defining as what you see in yourself and how you evaluate yourself. The concept of self is formed by your in born characteristics and evaluation of society.
Ecological Self
It is perceived with respect to physical environment for example I am a student sitting in classroom in COMSATS Abbottabad.
Interpersonal Self
Following are the points of Interpersonal Self;
We formulate our self-concept from the feedbacks of others who are close to us or significant to us.
Real Self
All the true traits of the person are known as real self.
Ideal Self
It is what we want to be. If there is clash between real and ideal self then the person suffers from anxiety. So there should be harmony between real and ideal self.
It can be positive and negative. Self-image is your evaluation about yourself. If it is positive, it will lead you towards higher self-esteem. Negative self-image, leads you towards lower self-esteem. Self –image should be positive and such people do not care about them and they have high level of confidence. Self-esteem is how much you give yourself the worth.
Factors Influencing Self-Image
Following are the factors influencing self-image;
Reaction of Others
Like some people need protocol if not given they avoid those people who don’t provide it. Here self-esteem is high, but if the person is easy going and forgets and doesn’t care what the other says have a bit lower self-esteem.
Comparison with others
The group with we compare ourselves is called reference group. If your reference group is happier, richer and intelligent etc then it will negatively affect your self-esteem. On the other hand, if you are happier, richer, handsome, intelligent etc it will enhance your self-esteem.
Identification of Prestigious Roles
Some roles in the society carry prestige and some carry stigma. The prestigious roles enhance the self-esteem while the stigmatized roles lower your self-esteem. We love to be identified with prestigious roles rather than stigmatized roles because identification of prestigious roles also enhances our self-esteem. Identification will stigmatize roles decreases your self-esteem.
Roger's Theory of Self
Rogers is a humanistic psychologist. His focus is upon “Self-actualization”. He is of the view that if a person has achieved all of his goals, desires and wishes, he or she is a self-actualized person.
Main points of Roger’s theory are as follow:
Open to Experience
Self-actualized people accept their positive and negative emotions and try to overcome the negative emotions instead of using defense mechanisms and denying these negative feelings.
Existential Living
Self-actualized people really appreciate the present. They don’t look back or forward to get despaired.
Trust feelings
They believe that their own decisions are the right one and they fully trust in their own decisions.
They are creative and risk takers. They have the ability to adjust and change and seek new experiences.
Fulfilled Life
They are happy and satisfied with their lives.
December 18, 2018