The term offer is also called proposal. It is defined “when one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal.â€
Acceptance is defined as when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal when accepted becomes a promise.
Rules regarding Valid Acceptance:
A few important rules of acceptance are as follows in brief:
- Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified.
- It must be in prescribed manner/reasonable manner.
- Acceptance may be given by performance of condition or act required by an offeror.
- It may be given by acceptance of consideration.
- Acceptance may be express or implied.
- It must be given within specified or reasonable period.
- Acceptance must be given while the offer is in force.
- It must be given only after the communication of offer is complete.
- Acceptance must be given by the person to whom offer is made.
- Acceptance must be communicated, only mental determination or intention to give acceptance is not sufficient.
- It must be from competent person/authorized person otherwise it will not be binding.
- It should be communicated to the offeror himself, other than him will not create legal obligation.
- Acceptance subject to contract is no acceptance. It will not create legal binding.
- A rejected offer cannot be accepted.
- Counter offer does not constitute acceptance.
- Cross offer cannot be assumed as acceptance.
- Silence does not generally amount to acceptance.
- Acceptance to offer means acceptance of all terms of offer.
- Sometimes grumbling acceptance is a valid acceptance.
- Enquiring/seeking clarification of offer is not to be assumed as acceptance.
- Circumstances of the acceptance must show the ability and willingness to fulfil the terms of offer.
June 05, 2017