Cost vs Revenue Analysis

Cost vs Revenue Analysis is one of an influential method used by administrators of businesses, government agencies and non-profits organization alike. If applied correctly, it can assist the decision-makers with the data they desired to assess the worth of a project accurately. There are some conditions in which, cost revenue analysis is applied to study the social influences of a exact program. Accepting the essentials of this scheme is important for those concerned in management, whether in the public or the private sector.

Cost vs Revenue Analysis is a tool of finding a project notion that associates its costs either supposed or real with its output. It mostly added the usage of forward-looking projections that are planned to forecast future circumstances, though it's also applied to conclude past performance and also assists to find a project's or program's accomplishment. As a related advantage, the exercise can also be used on areas for development and assess an organization's ability to estimate.

Cost Analysis Reveals

Cost analysis comforts a firm to define the estimated costs and benefits of a specific asset, new product, or plan of action before it creates the necessary investment. A detailed cost analysis can disclose hidden costs inserted in a company's normal way of doing business and the surprising costs of convinced actions. Classifying and then doffing out costs can relief a company to grow its profitability and long-term feasibility. Cost analysis also helps organizations in altering their goods and services distribution actions to those that are more cost-efficient and effective.

Revenue Analysis Reveals

Revenue analysis helps establishments to define how to grow their revenues meaningfully. When shared with cost analysis, it benefits corporations do this while keeping costs at a minimum. Revenue analysis also helps the enterprises in judging which way of action yields the highest rise in revenue with the least effort. For instance, a firm defines that it takes a series of press releases, website testimonials, and well-placed confidential ads to extremely increase sales of a certain product, but it also concludes that adding a low-cost add-on to a higher priced service would have the same effect.


Cost versus revenue analysis suggests a number of key paybacks for management.

Possibly the most significant among them is that it deals in objective data to aid guide decisions that promise limited financial or social resources.

According to the World Bank, "analyzing the costs involved in providing services and the sources and flow of revenues helps managers make decisions about the best use of resources and ways to recover costs."

In some cases, a non-profit organization, government agency or commercial corporation is essential by law or grant necessities to do a cost revenue analysis. In these cases, it is vital to conduct an analysis consistent with the expectations defined by the grant maker or the law.


Cost versus revenue analysis can be beneficial in some decisions, but in some cases it may be not.

The World Bank retells non-profits that "it is important to keep in mind that the information provided by a cost and revenue analysis is only one aspect of strategic planning," and that other, fewer computable issues for example like client needs or social equity should be taken into account.

There are administrations and project proposals where this specific tool is not always appropriate or informative.

business economics

November 18, 2018