Role of ICT in Organization

In any organization, company the coordinating function includes the inter-relating of the different chunks of the work of individual or a work of the group of different people or the work of the different departments. The coordinating function of the organization includes the coordination of the different job roles and accountabilities of the people in workplace so that they can have good relationships with other people on the workplace. To be a good leader in organization do not only requires good leadership skills but along with that it also requires some good management skills because a good leader should know how to manage things at organizational level. To clear this concept Joel Barker said that always a good manager manages with in a paradigm and a good leader leads with in a paradigm. To be an effective leader within an organization the leaders needs leadership skills along with the knowledge that how to manage things effectively. Managing people effectively in organization is also an important issue to be discussed as many organizations nowadays fail to manage people effectively with in the corporations.

So to manage people within the organization effectively there are 5 successful strategies which are used by the organizations to manage people i.e. recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, Employee engagement and last one is rewards and recognition. Individuals, group of people or departments within the organization   communicate through emails, memo, letters, proposals, training manuals, policies and sometime also through social media. These are the effective nonverbal communication methods. To communicate verbally people communicate through face to face interaction, both in groups and individually and also through telephones etc. ICT joins electronic technologies and techniques recycled to achieve information and knowledge, comprising information handling implements recycled to create, store, procedure, allocate and interchange information. Innovative Information and ICT keys are applied in communication processes within the organization that are continuously reengineered to excite coordination with the complex environment of the organization. The types of ICT used within the organization are long linked technologies, Mediated technologies, Intensive technologies.


In all the corporations different roles are performed by different individuals or group of peoples to achieve the goals of the organizations. No single group or individual can achieve the end goals of the organization to achieve those specific goals and effective coordination is required among the different individuals or groups of the organization. And this coordination is known as the coordination function of an organization. This coordination function enables the unity and coordination among the different individual and groups working with in an organization to achieve specific goal. The coordination is always required among the different groups working in the organization because if single individual is working or performing then there is no need of coordination. Ordination among the groups is required to maintain the unity and to have efficiency. The importance of the coordination function is more realized when the size and volume of the task or operation is large or when different larger groups are working together. When people at larger scale are working together then there are more chances of conflicts because every individual have different working style from every other individual. And every individual have different goal from those of other individual working. Hence we can say that the coordination function of the management is an Essence of the management.

Mooney and relay says about coordination that:

“Coordination is the decided arrangement of group exertions to deliver unity of action in search of common goals.”

Effective leaders are always in connection, they always stay in contact with their employees and are always available to every single individual in his team and an effective leader always motivates its employees in the organization. Leaders have established the skills of boosting logic, information, and examination with emotion, conceit and the spirit to win. Their desire and interest for team or company’s vision and purpose is extremely communicable. They ardor the thoughts, grow the abilities, and form the assurance of people to “go for it”. Leaders support individual’s trust that impossible is possible, which makes it extremely credible.

5 Successful Strategies used by Organization

To manage individuals within the organization 5 successful strategies used by organization.

  1. Recruitment and Selection
  2. Training and Development
  3. Performance Management
  4. Employee Engagement
  5. Rewards and Recognition

1. Recruitment and Selection

It all starts with hiring the right person for the duty. It is critical to grasp what positions you may like in your organization within the year to return. While you cannot predict all of your wants, a staffing forecast can facilitate you in correct designing for structure growth. Once you have outlined the positions you may have to be compelled to fill then you may like a targeted recruiting arrange which incorporates distinctive responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and core competencies and cultural fit for your ideal worker. Use creative recruiting sources to target that individual as well as social media as associate outlet to seek out high talent. An interview method is one of the useful methods that permit Youths Corporation and therefore the candidate to be told the maximum amount regarding the work.

2. Training and Development

Employees are important and essential asset of the organization so the organization must organize productive training and development session for them.

3. Performance Management

Performance management is also an important because through this employees get to know that how they are performing. So the organization needs to provide fair feedback to the employees.

4. Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is very important because employees are the important and essential asset of an organization and they are the one who fulfills the organization goals by their performance.

5. Rewards and Recognition

Rewards should be given by the organizations to the employees because this motivates the employees. The rewards include bonuses, incentives and increase in their pay.

The importance of the coordination, communication at each and every level of the organization has increased technically, managerially and institutionally. To improve the coordination and communication within the organization ICT and its different types are used.

Types of ICT used within the Organization

There are 3 main types of ICT used within organization;

  1. Long associated technologies
  2. Mediated Technologies
  3. Intensive Technology

1. Long Associated Technologies

These associations of technologies show the relationship among different production phases. These technologies are scientifically proven and analyzed and prepared. And the communication procedure has to keep the efficiency of the production stages.

2. Mediated Technologies

These technologies permit the different individuals or groups within the organization to share their thoughts, suggestions and opinions.

3. Intensive Technology

This technology provides the new advanced and innovative medium through which employees can share their thoughts and suggestions quickly and easily.


Conclusion of this article is that to maintain coordination, communication within the organization the managers need to apply new communication and coordination strategies. And the leaders should not only control but they should also know how to manage effectively. And new ICT strategies should be applied by the organization to maintain an effective communication within the organization.

human resource management

November 15, 2018