Management Information System Notes (MBA, BBA, B.Com, Management)

Management Information System Notes (MBA, BBA, B.Com, Management) for mba, bba, and other management and business studies students. Management information systems encompass a broad and complex topic. To make this topic more manageable, boundaries will be defined. First, because of the vast number of activities relating to management information systems, a total review is not possible. Those discussed here is only a partial sampling of activities, reflecting the author's viewpoint of the more common and interesting developments. Likewise where there were multiple effects in a similar area of development, only selected ones will be used to illustrate concepts. This is not to imply one effort is more important than another. Also, the main focus of this paper will be on information systems for use at the farm level and to some lesser extent systems used to support researchers addressing farm level problems (e.g., simulation or optimization models, geographic information systems, etc.) and those used to support agribusiness firms that supply goods and services to agricultural producers and the supply chain beyond the production phase. Secondly, there are several frameworks that can be used to define and describe management information systems. More than one will be used to discuss important concepts. Because more than one is used, it indicates the difficult of capturing the key concepts of what is a management information system. Indeed, what is viewed as an effective and useful management information system is one environment may not be of use or value in another. Lastly, the historical perspective of management information systems cannot be ignored. This perspective gives a sense of how these systems have evolved, been refined and adapted as new technologies have emerged, and how changing economic conditions and other factors have influenced the use of information systems.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) GSM stands for Global system for mobile communication. It is a digital server technology. GSM is used for transmitting mobile voice and data resources. It uses narrow TDMA, time division multiple access techniques for transmitting signals. A call takes turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&... read more

management information system

December 19, 2018

Open System Interconnection Reference Model / OSI Model When data is communicated we first find a way to send it, the data is then sent through medium and reaches its destination. For sending the data we should make sure that the mean we are using to send the data should be secure and reliable for example Encryption;... read more

management information system

December 17, 2018